Blog en obras! xD

Hallo chicas!!! Como stais??
Ahora mismo le estoy dando unos cuantos retoques al blog, asi que no os extrañeis si meto la pata y pongo algo donde no es, o si veis algo que no acaba, etc etc. No soy mu buena con estas cosas y ya con falta d tiempo ni os cuento xD Asi que paciencia, pero SEGUIRE ACTUALIZANDO CON NORMALIDAD TODOS LOS DIAS!!! Asi que seguid visitando el blog, y dejando comments y opiniones, que es lo que mas me gusta de hacer un blog!!
Os adorooo!!
La loca de la admi,


martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008

Bill parece y canta como una chica de 14 años...

Bill Kaulitz
Music's Ickiest of the Icky, Circa 2008
Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps)
Creepy is a hard thing to pin down, but you know it when you see it because life is full of creepy people. The guy at the end of the bar with the moustache that licks his soup strainer when your girlfriend walks by. The chicks that claim to love Sports­Center. The Clear Lake bar scene.
All these folks have one thing in common: They all know how to seemingly creep us out of our Converse. The music industry is no different, likewise full of perverts, art-school dropouts and swarthy types. During this Halloween season, let's reflect on some of our favorite batshit loon-balls.
Bill Kaulitz, Tokio Hotel: You probably don't know who this guy is unless you stalk underage emo kids online or follow German pop-metal. Kaulitz is the lead singer of the popular Teutonic act Tokio Hotel, who sound like an even whinier HIM wielding a flatiron. This guy looks and sounds like a 14-year-old girl. I'm down with androgyny, believe me. Who doesn't like surprises? But only from the land that elevated David Hasselhoff to Beatle status would we get this. As Norm MacDonald was so fond of reminding us, Germans love David Hasselhoff.

No me da la gana traducir esto... pero simplemente es uno de esos articulos contra Bill... en fin...

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